In order of appearance:
Chairlift - Evident Utensil
Kanye West - Welcome to Heartbreak ft. Kid Cudi
Sprutbass - Ulykke
Yung Jake - Datamosh
I thought this trend had died down, but with Yung Jake's aptly titled 'Datamosh' video hitting youtube the other week, it appears not. First made commonly known by filmmakers with Chairlift's video and then known in the mainstream with Kanye West's video. I have to give credit to David O'Rielly however, he was one of the first experimenters and likely an influence for the creators of the Chairlift video. Check out his work!
& if you want to give it a go, check out this series on youtube below. Getting the workflow down isn't difficult, finding the right clips that work well together with the technique is!
Anyone else have some wicked datamosh videos to share? Especially would like to see some different/unique uses of the technique.